Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Boundary Waters Part 3

On our second day on the water was another long one. After doing three small portages we had another portage, but this one had a waterfall. So after carrying all of our stuff we went to play in the water! So much fun! All of us climbed to the top of the waterfall. (Even Chloe, the dog)

Here's the whole group!

Stacy found this awesome part of the waterfall where you could sit in the water and it was like sitting in a cold whirlpool. We all took a turn. And below you can see Lauren showing off her cool plaid sunglasses!
After the waterfall we could have camped pretty soon. But our group wanted to be superstars. So we did! We kept going through three more LONG portages! As we got through the second one it started raining. It wasn't raining very hard and I was due for a new set of clothes so I didn't bother putting on my rain jacket. Half way through the last long portage I started to regret this decision because it started to POUR!! We had one small little portage yet before there was a campsite and it was raining so hard that the water was getting in my eyes and moving my contacts around. It was raining so hard that it looked like I jumped into the lake in all of my clothes! We were soaked! Luckily the campsite we wanted was available. The unlucky part was there was no shelter at our campsite because we haven't set it up yet. So we huddled under the rain tarp killing mosquitoes and watching the steam from our wet bodies rise. Luckily Matt had a plan. Some of us held the tarp while others set up a tent. Then the rain started to let up. Some of our group was a little crabby and who can blame them because we are REAL wet!

Thanks Lauren for always making dinner for us! And way to be super stars! That night, night two, we camped at our previous night four campsite! Awesome!

Mile count: 12 miles! Portage count: 8!

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1 comment:

  1. I remember that waterfall portage. Sounds like yet another awesome BW trip!
