Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Entering the 21st Century

iFrogz Green Swerve Soft Shell Hybrid- iPhone 3G & 3GS

That's right folks. I entered the world of the iphone. After a long standing history of resisting technology I have accepted the iphone into my life. Now just to be clear, I didn't get the new iphone, because that would just be crazy. Last week my mom, our friend John and I did a whole swap at the At&T store I ended up with my mom's old iphone. It's pretty fun. My favorite feature it the post it app. If you love post it's you'd love this app. A great way to keep track of you to do list.

Technolgy, welcome to my life. (Now if only I could get my beloved ringtone back...'Let's go to the mall....today!)

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  1. I feel like it's not the same without the HIMYM ringtone.

  2. I know! I can't find the ringtone on itunes! If anyone can figure out how to make custom ringtones please help! I've tried!
