Saturday, July 17, 2010

I'm on a Boat!

Most of you know by now that I love a good boat tour. I convinced my parents to drive into the city while visiting the Chicago area for a boat tour. This was a very informational boat tour. While floating up and down the river of Chicago our guide told us all sorts of information about the buildings that I couldn't even begin to repeat. Here I am on the top of the boat while we wait to go through the lock of the Chicago river.
Did you know they reversed the flow of the river and boats have to go through a lock to get into Lake Michigan?
Did you know that after the great Chicago fire they pushed all the debris into Lake Michigan actually expanding the size of the city?

This was my favorite building. It was designed by a woman, and all those little ripples are balconies.

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1 comment:

  1. !. Love the title.
    2. I've always wanted to do this tour - ever since "My Best Friend's Wedding."
